Nan speaking on “Building Better Lawyers” at ABA Annual Meeting

Come join the ABA’s Section of Litigation at their Annual Meeting in Chicago next week, and take advantage of first-rate CLE programs and numerous networking opportunities.  On Thursday afternoon, August 2, from 2-3 p.m., Nan will be moderating a stellar panel featuring Dr. William Henderson of Indiana University’s Maurer School of Law, Dr. Arin Reeves, the president of Nextions LLC, and Scott Westfahl, Director of Professional Development at Goodwin Procter LLP, speaking on Building Better Lawyers at Every Level.  We’ll be discussing research identifying 26 factors of effective lawyering, and how that can shape the hiring, development, and retention of more effective attorneys at every stage of their careers.  Come join us at the Chicago Hyatt Regency’s CLE Centre, 151 East Wacker Drive.

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