Here’s to the Sheroes

It’s March 8th, so Happy International Women’s Day!  I would be remiss if I didn’t give a shout out to this special day.  The United Nation’s theme this year is “A Promise is a Promise:  Time for action to end violence against women,” which is something everyone should be able to support. 

Closer to home, I am reminded of one of my favorite local groups, Girls Inc. of the Island City, the Alameda chapter of Girls Incorporated, whose mission is to inspire all girls to be smart, strong and bold.  My husband and I have enjoyed their annual Women Who Dare luncheons in the past (this year’s is next Saturday, March 16, if you’d like to go).  One of the best moments at a WWD event was when a group of 8-year old girls stood up to share with the assembled crowd their “Sheroes,” and one child shouted with pride, “Catwoman!”  Why?  “Because she’s smart and sneaky!”  She brought the house down.

I have lots of Sheroes.  One of them, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, was on The Daily Show this week.  The first woman Supreme will always have a special place in my heart.  As for my favorite Supershero, I’d have to go with Wonder Woman, although I didn’t much care for the low-cut leotard outfit and uncomfortable looking boots.  Not very practical in fighting for justice and peace, but I can overlook that. Here’s to our Sheroes, wherever they might be.


Here’s to Sheroes everywhere!

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