Why Coaching Works
One of the most rewarding parts of my business is watching my executive coaching clients succeed in reaching their goals. Because I understand first-hand the demands of the legal profession, and have experienced the challenges of the corporate world to deliver better results in less time and with fewer resources, I am well situated to help people identify, or re-identify, their internal motivation to reach audacious goals, and chart a course to get there.
Too often, busy professionals don’t take the time to assess themselves and understand what it is they most value, where their work fits into that equation, and what they want to achieve next. Coaching is not unlike the admonition from the flight attendant to strap on your own oxygen mask first, before attending to your child’s mask. The chance to work with a coach allows clients to focus on understanding their strengths and learning new ways to apply them towards their objectives, in a confidential, one-on-one setting.
Coaching also provides the opportunity to pick up valuable new tools that can propel personal and professional growth. As one example, when is the last time you thought about a time in your career when you were fully engaged, most excited, or most involved in your work? What made it exciting, and why? Who else was involved? When you feel best about your work, what do you value about it? These are all questions that help coachees begin with a foundation focusing on what is already working, using the theory of appreciative inquiry, or appreciative leadership. In AI, the future is based on the best of what has been accomplished in the past, and is thus grounded in strengths and what is known to be possible. Rather than focusing on problems, Appreciative Inquiry focuses on solutions. And isn’t that what you really want?
I like this quote from William James:
Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, ‘This is the real me,’ and when you have found that attitude, follow it.
But perhaps even more, I like this testimonial from a recent coaching client of mine:
My lack of goals and leadership had begun to weigh me down and you helped me to reorient toward doing what I knew to be right. I particularly valued your keen ability to keep after me to answer the “hard questions.” Thank you so much.